As a Ninja, when would you like to start pool?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Week 9 of 12

The Ninjas traveled to Outerbanks to play 'Yo Mamas' but Yo Mam & dem were not ready to take on The Ninjas. 'Yo Mamas' forfeited due to personnel issues and The Ninjas were awarded a win. Since there's not much to update this week, I'll provide other updates.

Jeff & Karen found out they're having a Boy

The Ninjas move from5th place to 4th place
(Top 5 advance to Playoffs)

The Ninjas face Marlene's Place next week, 'Wild Style'

Last week the Pool League, NOLA APA, featured the Ninjas Website on their home page

And here again is Ancient Ninja Dust

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ninjas host Foxtrot Uniforms

The games played by jesse and yours truly were pretty much the finest examples of shutdown pool the apa has ever seen. seriously. Weisman gets a gold star for destroying a 6 in like 12 minutes flat. Sammy also held strong and won giving us a total of 3 for the night.

Ninja Boot Camp starts in a few weeks. sign up early and get a free box of red ryder bbs

New rule: you play, you stay. im so excited

Next week look for Joey P and Ronda to get a turn in the spotlight and blow ..... it ...... up 
