As a Ninja, when would you like to start pool?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Week 1 of 10 - Summer 2009

Guess which one is Marlene?

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

...If you guessed picture 2 you are correct! Picture 1 is Chris Owens, and Picture 3 is Cher. Thanks for Playing.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Spring 09 Division Winnas!

Although the coin toss was practiced for hours on end prior to the match last nite, we were not victorious in this event. Following standard ninja playoff strategy, G managed to hit the biting sliders and led us off with a strong 3-0 win over crossbones’ starting pitcher, Randy Johnson. Coming off a tough first game loss, the crossbones captain stepped up to plate. Ronda played well and managed to bring it to the hill but lost in the end. With the score 1-1, Jeff went up next against Scott ‘why am I playing amateur pool’ Pardo. As the old proverbial saying goes, ‘pimping and playing pros aint easy’. Ninjas now down 1-2, Sammy ‘Shut Down’ Perino pulled out a win in a nail biter against crossbones’ sleeper 3, John Grider. With the match tied up 2-2 and midnight approaching quickly, Scuba ‘Nice Leave’ Steve demonstrated to Jeanne ‘Ive never really played before’ Tripoli what a cleanup game is with a 4-0 shutout. Does anyone care to argue against the fact that the Ninjas own Mid City?

Playoff Bracket

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spring 2009 Post Season


Wit's Inn beat MCYC 3-1. Showdown Wednesday May 20th

5.13.2009 - The first round of playoffs has commenced. MCYC beat the Lo-Ballers (3-2) and Wits Inn beat Bud Rips. The second round begins this Saturday and we'll be playing the winner out of these two teams Wednesday May 20th

Friday, May 8, 2009

Week 16 of 16 - Spring 2009

The Ninjas pulled it off. We finished strong, winning the last 5 weeks of play. Finishing 1st place allows the Ninjas to bypass the playoffs and advance to the Divisional Championship. If the Ninjas win the Division, we advance to Regionals, which is our chance to go to Vegas. Last Spring session, the Ninjas won both the Division and Regionals and advanced to Nationals in Vegas.

Spring 2009 Playoff Bracket

The Honey-Bees think we're #1

...And Jeff agrees

Watch out lady, that doors on fire!

From a regional perspective, Ninjas place are in 2nd place
Joey P cant resist Sal's steak
...even when we're not playing there
at least he found a sexy lady to dine with...

Flash-Back to Spring 2008:
Ninjas win Division

Flash-Back to June 2008:
Ninjas win Regionals

Flash-Back to August 2008:
Ninjas advance to Nationals in Las Vegas